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December 2022

Overall Pipe
Location Exhibit

About the Project

Beginning November 28, 2022, Contractors for the City of Cape Coral will be installing an additional water main and a sanitary sewer force main through a series of residential roadways from Gleason Parkway to the City of Cape Coral’s Palm Tree Pump Station located on Palm Tree Boulevard.

Benefits of this project include increased water quality for the surrounding neighborhoods and for the water system in its entirety.

What To Expect During Construction

Contractors for the City of Cape Coral will be installing an additional water main and a sanitary sewer force main through a series of residential roadways from Gleason Parkway to the City of Cape Coral’s Palm Tree Pump Station located on Palm Tree Boulevard. Most of the pipe will be installed using open trench method. Underground directional drilling will be used to install the pipe beneath San Carlos, Princeton, and Reef canals. Use of your driveway or side streets may be interrupted for short periods of time for pipe installation and restoration. Disturbed irrigation, sidewalks and driveway aprons will be restored along with roadway restoration upon project completion.

Work is expected to generally occur weekdays from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Some night and weekend work may be necessary. This project is expected to be completed in early 2024.

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For project-related questions or if you would like to subscribe for project updates, please contact the City’s public information consultant:

Cella Molnar & Associates, Inc.

(239) 337-1071 or
(877) 496-1076 

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